VideoMage Producer 0.92

You can download VideoMage Producer with or without its help file. For information on how to verify the integrity of the download, see below.

When you download one of the installation packages, you save the file on your computer, then run it. A series of screens will guide you through the simple installation process. As part of the installation, you must agree to the terms of the End-User License Agreement.

If you're familiar with previous versions of VideoMage Producer, click here to read about the latest additions to the application.

VideoMage Producer Session Scripts

You can download these predefined scripts to use as the basis of your own scripts, or to experiment with how VideoMage Producer works.

To download a script, either click on the link to open it as a text file then save it to disk, or right click the link then choose the "Save Target As" option from the pop-up menu.

Before running the scripts, you must change the path and file name of the Graphics they use to refer to graphic files on your computer. You can do this using VideoMage Producer or with any text editor.

  • Logo - displays a Graphic in the bottom right corner of the screen, repeatedly fading out then reappearing after a brief delay (this sample is described in the VideoMage Producer help file)

You are free to modify and use these scripts in any way that suits your needs.


GDI+ is Microsoft's system for graphic manipulation in Microsoft Windows XP. If you are running any version of Windows 98, Windows Me, or Windows 2000, you must install GDI+ before you can use VideoMage Producer. If you're using Windows XP, there's no need to download it because it's included as part of the operating system.

  • download GDI+ from Hollix Communications website (1.02 MB)
  • download GDI+ from Microsoft (1.02 MB)

Save the file on your computer, then run it. Three files will be extracted; copy the extracted "gdiplus.dll" file to the VideoMage Producer installation folder (e.g. "C:\Program Files\Hollix Communications\VideoMage Producer"). You should then be able to run VideoMage Producer.


By using an MD5 sum utility, you can validate the integrity of any binary file downloaded from this site.

You can obtain MD5sum.exe from any of the following sites:

To validate a file that has been saved to your computer, open a Command window, then run "md5sum <filename>", where <filename> is replaced with the full name of the file you downloaded - if the 32 character string output by the command matches the corresponding value listed on this site, you can be sure that the file hasn't been adulterated.